Long COVID. A multi-omics based anti-inflammatory immune signature.


Patients with LCS show a consistent pattern of antiinflammatory molecules in blood plasma

This proteomics and metabolomics pattern may serve for diagnostics and monitoring.

Alternatively polarized macrophages may account for responsible pathomechanisms

Johannes J. Kovarik, Andrea Bileck, Gerhard Hagn, …, Mariann Gy ̈ ongy ̈ osi, Klaus G. Schmetterer, Christopher Gerner mariann.gyongyosi@ meduniwien.ac.at (M.G.) klaus.schmetterer@ meduniwien.ac.at (K.G.S.) christopher.gerner@univie.ac. at (C.G.)

High levels of anti-inflammatory oxylipins including omega-3 fatty acids in LCS were detected by eicosadomics,

A new vision in COVID-19

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